"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; for ($cc=0;$cc 30)) { $wc[0] = trim(substr($wc[0], 0, 30)); } $rating = ''; switch($wc[6]) { case 0: $rating = "[G]"; break; case 1: $rating = "[PG]"; break; case 2: $rating = "[PG13]"; break; case 3: $rating = "[R]"; break; case 4: $rating = "[NC17]"; break; } echo ""; if (empty($_REQUEST['st'])) { $wc[1] = str_replace('
','[BR]', $wc[1]); $wc[1] = strip_tags(str_replace('
','[BR]', $wc[1])); $wc[1] = str_replace('[BR]',' ', $wc[1]); if (strlen($wc[1]) > 150) $wc[1] = trim(substr($wc[1], 0, 150)); echo ""; } else echo ""; echo "\n"; if ( (($clist[$cc+1][2] == 0) && ($clist[$cc][2] != 0) && ($_REQUEST['sort'] == "chat")) || (($clist[$cc+1][3] == 0) && ($clist[$cc][3] != 0) && ($_REQUEST['sort'] == "view" || $_REQUEST['sort'] == "active")) ) { echo ""; /* echo << PHPEND; echo ""; //*/ } } echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "

$b[7]) ? -1 : 1; } function SortListChat($a, $b) { if ($a[2] == $b[2]) return SortListActive($a, $b); return ($a[2] > $b[2]) ? -1 : 1; } function SortListView($a, $b) { if ($a[3] == $b[3]) return SortList($a, $b); return ($a[3] > $b[3]) ? -1 : 1; } function ExAlist($path) { global $alist; $cnt = 0; for ($cc=0;$cc'".(time()-300)."' ORDER BY chat ASC", $handler); while($row = @mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $alist[] = $row[0]; $numact++; } @mysql_free_result($result); $ulist = array(); $result = @mysql_query("SELECT chat FROM uo_chat_ulist WHERE utime>'".(time()-86400)."' ORDER BY chat ASC", $handler); while($row = @mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $ulist[] = $row[0]; } @mysql_free_result($result); $uview = array(); $result = @mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT chat,ip FROM uo_chat ORDER BY chat ASC", $handler); while($row = @mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $uview[] = $row[0]; } @mysql_free_result($result); for ($cc=0;$cc\n".$cdescript; else $cdescript = "\n".$cdescript; } if (!$cdescript) $cdescript = "No Description"; $cdescript = preg_replace("/\n/", '
', trim($cdescript), 4); $clist[$numvis][1] = stripslashes($cdescript); if ($clean == 1) $clist[$numvis][1] = strip_tags($clist[$numvis][1]); $cview = ExUlist("chat".$dirx[$cc]); $ccall += $cview; $clist[$numvis][2] = $cview; $cview = ExView("chat".$dirx[$cc]); $ccv += $cview; $clist[$numvis][3] = $cview; if (isset($memonly)) $clist[$numvis][4] = $memonly; else $clist[$numvis][4] = 0; $clist[$numvis][5] = $dirx[$cc]; $clist[$numvis][6] = $crating; $cview = ExAlist("chat".$dirx[$cc]); $ccall += $cview; $clist[$numvis][7] = $cview; $numvis++; } if ($_REQUEST['sort'] == "chat") usort($clist, "SortListChat"); else if ($_REQUEST['sort'] == "active") usort($clist, "SortListActive"); else if ($_REQUEST['sort'] == "view") usort($clist, "SortListView"); else if ($_REQUEST['sort'] == "title") usort($clist, "SortList"); else { $_REQUEST['sort'] = "active"; usort($clist, "SortListActive"); } ?>
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\n"; echo "
$numvis of $numchat"; if ($_REQUEST['st'] == 'no') { setcookie('pJJ-Portal-View', '1', time()+2419200); $_REQUEST['st'] = 1; } else if ($_REQUEST['st'] == 'yes') { setcookie('pJJ-Portal-View', '', time()-2419200); $_REQUEST['st'] = 0; $_COOKIE['pJJ-Portal-View'] = 0; } if (($_COOKIE['pJJ-Portal-View'] == 1) || ($_REQUEST['st'] == 1)) { echo 'Clean Up Descriptions'; $_REQUEST['st'] = 1; } else echo 'Show Full Descriptions'; echo "$ccall/$numact$ccv/$numall-
$wc[0]$wc[1] $rating
$wc[3]/$wc[7]$wc[3]"; if ($wc[4] == 1) echo "Mod"; else if ($wc[4] == 2) echo "Lock"; else echo "Open"; echo "
$numvis of $numchat-$ccall$ccv ($numall)-

"; echo "
"; echo "Chat Title: Very simple, and exactly what the name says.
\n"; echo "Description: The chat theme/setting as the admin writes it.
\n"; echo "Chatters: Number of people in the chat.
\n"; echo "Observers: Number of people looking on the chat. Includes chatters.
\n"; echo "Status: Open, Moderated or Locked. Access ranges from View/Chat over View/NoChat to NoView/NoChat for unregistered users.\n"; echo "
\n"; ?>
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