Chat Request Form

It is recommended that you check if there is another chat of nearly the same theme as the chat you want to request before doing so.
Please check with the Chat Master of any such chat if you perhaps could incorperate your ideas in their chat instead of starting a whole new one.

Error: '{$path}' is an invalid acronym.

"; unset($path); } if ($path && $pwd && $mname && $mail && $_REQUEST['verify'] && $_REQUEST['terms']) { $path = urlencode($path); $pwd = urlencode($pwd); $mname = urlencode($mname); $mail = urlencode($mail); @system("wgetr -q --output-document=/dev/stdout \"{$path}&password={$pwd}&username={$mname}&email={$mail}&login={$master_name}&pass={$master_password_raw}\""); echo "
Should be done now. Check your email..."; /* $header = "Chat Request: $path, $mname"; // $body = "$cpath/newchat.php?username=".urlencode($mname); $body = "".urlencode($mname); $body .= "&password=".urlencode($pwd); $body .= "&email=".urlencode($mail); $body .= "\n\n"; $body .= "Path: $path\n"; $body .= "Username: $mname\n"; $body .= "Password: $pwd\n"; $body .= "Email: $mail\n"; $body .= "Comments: ".stripslashes($comment)."\n"; $email = mail($master_email, $header, $body, "From: $mail\nReply-To: $mail\nX-pJJ-IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\n"); if ($email >= 1) { echo "Chat request successfully sent.
It should be processed within 24 hours.

"; } else { echo "An error occurred processing the request.
Please try again.

"; } */ } else if ($path && $pwd && $mname && $mail) { if (strlen($path) < 2) { echo "Chat acronym must be at least 2 letters long.

"; unset($path); } if (strlen($path) > 8) { echo "Chat acronym must be at most 8 letters long.

"; unset($path); } if ((file_exists($path."/sendmsg.php")) || (file_exists($path."/settings.php"))) { echo "A chat with acronym $path already exists at $cpath/$path/

"; unset($path); } if (!$_REQUEST['terms']) { echo "You must accept the terms.

"; unset($path); } if ($path) { echo "

Chat acronym$pathSWNA (Star Wars New Age)
Master nickname$mnameHan Solo
Master password$pwdd7g3sg6j
Master email$
"; } } if (($path == "") || ($mname == "") || ($pwd == "") || ($mail == "")) { echo 'You must read and agree to these rules:
'; readfile('legal/legal.html'); echo '
'; ?>
Chat acronym>SWNA (Star Wars New Age)
Master nicknameHan Solo
Master password>d7g3sg6j
Master email>
TermsTick if you have read and accepted the Terms of Service.