// The contents of this file is subject to a license. // Read license.txt and readme.txt for more information. if ($_REQUEST['source']) { readfile(__FILE__); die(); } ?> Chat Deletion Form
read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { if (Is_Dir($xdir."/".$entry)) { RmDirR($xdir."/".$entry); } else { echo "Deleting $xdir/$entry
\n"; UnLink($xdir."/".$entry); } } } $d->close(); RmDir($xdir); } $cpath = strtolower(eregi_replace("([^-[:alnum:]_]+)", "", $_REQUEST['cpath'])); if ($cpath == $master_chat) { echo "$master_chat is protected.
\n"; exit(); } else if ($cpath == 'sfw') { die(); } $ok = false; if ((strtolower($_REQUEST['user']) != 'jezral') || ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') || ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') || ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '')) $ok = true; if ($ok == false) die('You are not authorized.'); if (($_REQUEST['user'] != "") && ($_REQUEST['pass'] != "") && ($_REQUEST['email'] != "") && ($_REQUEST['verify'] != "") && ($cpath != "") && (file_exists($cpath."/sendmsg.php")) && (file_exists($cpath."/settings.php"))) { $user = strtolower($_REQUEST['user']); $user = eregi_replace($master_name_filter, "", $user); $epass = $_REQUEST['pass']; $pass = md5($_REQUEST['pass']); $result = mysql_query("SELECT chat,username,password FROM uo_chat_database WHERE chat='chat$cpath' AND username='$user' AND password='$pass' AND ( flags='m' OR flags='M' )", $handler); $cuser = mysql_fetch_row($result); @mysql_free_result($result); if (($cuser[0] == "chat".$cpath) && (strtolower($cuser[1]) == $user) && ($cuser[2] == $pass)) { // Deleting dirs and files if ($cpath != "") { //echo exec("rmdir /s /q ".$cpath).$cpath."
\n"; echo RmDirR($cpath)."
\n"; } // Deleting database entries $tables = array( "uo_chat", "uo_chat_stats", "uo_chat_ban", "uo_chat_boards", "uo_chat_char", "uo_chat_database", "uo_chat_faction", "uo_chat_ignore", "uo_chat_images", "uo_chat_last", "uo_chat_log", "uo_chat_message", "uo_chat_poll", "uo_chat_threads", "uo_chat_ulist", "uo_chat_vote" ); $killme = "chat".$cpath; echo "Deleting $killme...
\n"; for ($q=0;$q\n"; $query = mysql_query($query, $handler); } $subject = "Project JJ: Chat Deleted: $cpath"; $body = "Time: ".date("g:ia, F d (T)", time(0))."\nUnix time: ".time(0)."\n"; $body .= "IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\n"; $body .= "Username: $user\n"; $body .= "Password: $epass\n"; $body .= "Chat: $cpath\n"; $body .= "Email: $email\n\n"; $body .= "Deletion successful.\n"; $addrs = "$master_email,$email"; mail($addrs, $subject, $body, "From: $email\n"); } else { echo "False login or path.
\n"; $subject = "Project JJ: Deletion Attempt: $cpath"; $body = "Time: ".date("g:ia, F d (T)", time(0))."\nUnix time: ".time(0)."\n"; $body .= "IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\n"; $body .= "Username: $user\n"; $body .= "Password: $epass\n"; $body .= "Chat: $cpath\n"; $body .= "Email: $email\n\n"; $body .= "Deletion not successful.\n"; $addrs = "$master_email,$email"; mail($addrs, $subject, $body, "From: $email\n"); } } else { ?> This form will in every respect delete a chat.
Only the Chat Master can do this.
Once submitted, the chat will be deleted. This is not reversible.

Chat path (acronym)
Verification (check to verify)