MySQL connection failed. Trying to recover...

'; usleep(200000); $handler = @mysql_pconnect($db_server, $db_username, $db_password); if ($handler === FALSE) { header('Refresh: 10; URL='.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); echo ''; echo '

The MySQL server is down or temporarily malfunctioning. Reload the page.

'; die(); } } mysql_select_db($db_database, $handler); } if (!function_exists('count_mysql_query')) { function count_mysql_query($query, $hand, $reason='Unknown') { global $cqs; $cqs++; $err = 0; $rez = @mysql_query($query, $hand); if ($err = @mysql_errno()) { if ($err == 1062) return $rez; echo '
MySQL Error '.$err.' occured. Trying to recover...

'; @mysql_close(); SQLConnect(); $rez = @mysql_query($query, $hand); $ere=0; if ($ere = @mysql_errno()) { @mail('', 'MySQL Error: '.$err.','.$ere, $err.','.$ere.' occured at '.date('g:ia, F d (T)')." for query:\n".$query); die('
Could not recover. Secondary error '.$ere.' occured.'); } } return $rez; } } SQLConnect(); ?>